Dedicated to Tortuguita*
What if it was not Icarus who flew too high? Perhaps, instead, it was Daedalus who arced ever-upward, broad wings beating, too entranced by his own creation to turn around. Higher he went, ...
Sun Rise by Zack Fox Loehle
Flash Fiction

Her baby blew a spit bubble and reached for her with its squishy, underinflated arms, and they both giggled. She and her baby had been spending their days at the sticky, fluorescent food court in Glenwood Mall, which ...
NUMB-NUMB by Marc Tweed

Review by Dustin Pickering
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc.
Publication Date: November 8, 2022
ISBN: 9781324076216
Pages: 96
Scripting the ...
WOUND IS THE ORIGIN OF THE WONDER By Maya C. Popa Review by Dustin Pickering
Book Reviews

for A.E.M.There’s nothing obscure about our sorrow— no reason to coin new terms for this needto pace the suddenly bare room wailing,wadded tissues scattered ...
After Chemo Failed by Dawn Manning

Some time ago in a Sardinian literary magazine, La terra dei nuraghes, The Land of Nuraghes, I read this legend, charmingly recorded by Pompeo Calvia, one of the finest Sardinian writers.
It tells the story ...
San Pietro of Sorres by Grazia Deledda translated by Anne Schuchman

Hunter has been shutting himself in the home office lately, curling his body over the computer, losing himself in the steady rhythm of his work. His daughter, who seems equally set on self-isolating, won’t ...
Ducks & Epitaphs by Aimee Clemens

When in major chronic illness flare-ups or activated trauma states or brain fog arising for any number of reasons, I sometimes gain a stutter. Because of childhood trauma, I also have historically not been fantastic at ...
Stutter, Stammer, Stumble: On (Not) “Speaking Well” by heidi andrea restrepo rhodes
Nonfiction, Uncategorized

The Animal is Chemical by Hadara Bar-Nadav
Review by Shannon Vare Christine
Interview by Tiffany Troy
Publisher: Four Way BooksPublication Date: March 15, 2024ISBN: 978-1961897007Pages: 120
When it comes to pain, ...
The Animal is Chemical by Hadara Bar-Nadav Review by Shannon Vare Christine, Interview by Tiffany Troy
Book Reviews

ANSWERWe cook fish in the dark. All day I thinktoday is yesterday. I soak a video in saltwater. There I return tothe inky sea of childhood. There is nothing to eat. Spring fallsin layers: first the naked green ...
Two Poems by Julia Anna Morrison

There is a place in Ellen’s right big toe where she keeps her opinions on her mother. Sealed shut. Nail-chipped, ball-stubbed, doubly calloused, she wears socks most of the time.
In her ...
Ellen by Rya Vallabhaneni
Flash Fiction

Henri Meschonnic (1932-2009) is best known worldwide for his translations of the Old Testament and the 710-page Critique du rythme: Anthropologie historique du langage. He ...
Three Poems by Henri Meschonnic translated by Gabriella Bedetti and Don Boes
Translations, Uncategorized

Long before he travels through the black hole, ripping the fabric of his life, they are looking for the perfect house, the sort of place you could raise a family on modest salaries. First, they have to say goodbye to ...
Inside a Black Hole by Andrew Bertainia

A narrow winding creek cuts through flat plains of sagebrush. Slender elms line the banks beneath granite cliffs still topped with snow in summer. The term “American Alps” gets thrown around about this place but ...
Heber by Kent Quaney

The Last Song of the World by Joseph Fasano
Review by Nicole Yurcaba
Interview by Tiffany Troy
Publisher: BOA Editions
Publication Date: October 4 , 2022
ISBN: 9781960145352
Pages: 178
Over the Myths and Through ...
THE LAST SONG OF THE WORLD BY JOSEPH FASANO Review by Nicole Yurcaba, Interview by Tiffany Troy
Book Reviews

It’s a sin to call the horses beautifulbut they were, their hooves a miracleflaring fire with each beat—I shouldn’t remember it this way,but it was August. Or December.Creepers choked trashcans & stucco,the ...
Only Once Driving to Cincinnati by Kirk Schlueter

I got a new smell. It’s oily, leathered, minklike. It turns heads on the bus, clears whole cars on the train. Most times it walks five paces ahead. I follow it into any number of restaurants or bars, sliding past ...
New Smell by Eric Cecil
Flash Fiction

Rothko wanted to paint basic human emotion. So he painted red over red over red. Behind the colour he was looking for light. In 1942 he painted The Sacrifice of Iphigenia, where Iphigenia is not a girl, but a black ...
Rothko/ On Fear by Ollie Cowley

Samuel and David were born in the same year at opposite ends: New Year’s Day and New Year’s Eve. They only knew their birthdays because their mothers were able to labor in peace, and that’s something their mothers ...
Make by Misha S. McDaniel

“Mom.”“Mom!”“Momma, look!”“Mom!“Look, Momma!”“Look!”
My coffee will never be strong enough. I stir the pancake mix while the pan heats. A little bowl of concrete. The morning ...
You’re Gonna Miss It by Jen Eve Thorn
Flash Fiction

It Will Have Been So Beautiful by Amanda Shaw
Review by Robert Dunsdon
Publisher: Lily Poetry Review
Publication Date: March 21, 2024
ISBN: 9781957755359
Pages: 92
It takes a degree of confidence, and no small ...
It Will Have Been So Beautiful by Amanda Shaw Review by Robert Dunsdon
Book Reviews

boy to boy to the sidewalk, fingers that tingle like grass and touch. boy to boy to arms embracing and the streetlights all go out at once. boy to boy to hunger, to Yom Kippur, to Jewish holiday psalms and songs that ...
boy to boy to bed by Sam Herschel Wein

When I wake up, the world is upside down. The car is ragged plastic and skin-stained glass. Ryan’s body crumples against the passenger door, right arm bent around his back like he’s scratching a hard-to-reach itch. ...
it keeps going like that by Leah Francesca Christianson

Step 1:
Look down. It isn't. It is. View the absence. The dead space before realization. All the hands to mouths, eyes crowning, light like a holy orifice breaking open to speak what you've done. Look at your ...
How to Stop What Could be Born Inside of You by Maisie Williams

There was Christmas; there was Venice. Both arrived too late for us. The word, alluvione, meant flood but sounded less frightening, and—like everything in this country—it ran precipitously off our tongues. Then it ...
Alluvione by Vincent James Perrone
Flash Fiction

So, this is just college, says M, age 11. It is, I say, looking around at what I look around at all the time, especially the space where the historic sycamore used to be. All the ghosts, probably.
I can’t say I have ...
Votive by Mary Ann Samyn

unalone by Jessica Jacobs
Review by Deborah Bacharach
Publisher: Four Way Books
Publication Date: March 15, 2024
ISBN: 9781954245822
Pages: 208
Resee, Remix, Remake
Take nothing for granted. In her second full ...
Unalone by Jessica Jacobs Review by Deborah Bacharach
Book Reviews

Crack Let us be fog horns on a murky nightLet them call us flawed, bitchyLet them say you have a tailLet mystified children keep looking for itLet them be blind to the glittering trail we left behindLet them be ...
Three Poems by Gonca Özmen Translated by Jeffrey Kahrs and Mete Özels

“Did I ever finish my story? I mean this woman was seriously one of the worst customers I’ve had in a while—a total hair-mare.” June nudges Laine, who nods but doesn’t look up from her nearly empty ...
Wig Shop by Rebecca Bernard
History of Forgetfulness by Shahe Mankerian
Review by Alan Semerdjian
Publisher: Fly on the Wall Poetry (October 22, 2021)
Paperback: 86 pages
ISBN: 1913211622
The Memory Singing: Shahe ...
History of Forgetfulness by Shahe Mankerian Review by Alan Semerdjian
Book Reviews, LAR Online