Her baby blew a spit bubble and reached for her with its squishy, underinflated arms, and they both giggled. She and her baby had been spending their days at the sticky, fluorescent food court in Glenwood Mall, which ...
NUMB-NUMB by Marc Tweed

Hunter has been shutting himself in the home office lately, curling his body over the computer, losing himself in the steady rhythm of his work. His daughter, who seems equally set on self-isolating, won’t ...
Ducks & Epitaphs by Aimee Clemens

Long before he travels through the black hole, ripping the fabric of his life, they are looking for the perfect house, the sort of place you could raise a family on modest salaries. First, they have to say goodbye to ...
Inside a Black Hole by Andrew Bertainia

Samuel and David were born in the same year at opposite ends: New Year’s Day and New Year’s Eve. They only knew their birthdays because their mothers were able to labor in peace, and that’s something their mothers ...
Make by Misha S. McDaniel

When I wake up, the world is upside down. The car is ragged plastic and skin-stained glass. Ryan’s body crumples against the passenger door, right arm bent around his back like he’s scratching a hard-to-reach itch. ...
it keeps going like that by Leah Francesca Christianson

“Did I ever finish my story? I mean this woman was seriously one of the worst customers I’ve had in a while—a total hair-mare.” June nudges Laine, who nods but doesn’t look up from her nearly empty ...
Wig Shop by Rebecca Bernard

If my grandfather hadn’t died of heart failure—heartbreak, my grandmother insists—a year before the towers fell, he would have been buried under a hundred floors of steel and concrete and shattered glass. His last ...
The Button by Scott Nadelson

Carly Alaimo is a writer from Augusta, GA. She received her MFA in Fiction from Georgia State University. Her work has been published in The Harvard Advocate, Phoebe Journal, Split Lip ...
IT’S A QUIZ! by Carly Alaimo

We put Janet Shaw in charge of keeping the records and lists and spreadsheets, then she went and died in May. Now it’s June, and no lists. No Iowa City City High Class of ‘83 master plan for the August reunion. No ...