First I learn who I am and where I come from. I learn to ask who you are and where you come from. I understand your name even though it has a foreign sound to it and I had never heard it before, I understand that it's ...
Nils and Agnieszka by Anita Harag Translated from Hungarian by Marietta Morry and Walter Burgess
LAR Online, Translations
One-Way Street But what once was will never return. Time is a one-way street.The waterfall of the present forever roars,and we forever wade through it with dry feet: the past swallows it in the blink of an eye. Feet ...
One-Way Street by Zsuzsa Rakovszky, translated by Anna Szemere
LAR Online, Translations
Andrzej SosnowskiNouvelles Impressions d’Amériquetranslated from the Polish by Benjamin Paloffillustrations by Henri-Achille Zo produced in 1932for Raymond Roussel, Nouvelles impressions ...
Poems by Andrzej Sosnowski translated by Benjamin Paloff
LAR Online, Translations
II - I
and right now now that now turns itself inside out like a glove
time will perhaps consume itself what we make of the unknown
everything’s different like some states that were ours up to now
though do we notice ...
The Ink’s Path, by Bernard Noël, translated by Eléna Rivera
LAR Online, Translations
Translator’s Note
These poems are part of an ongoing project translating, adapting, and reacting to a single poem by the Roman poet Catullus, the 85th of his surviving work, often referred to as Catullus 85. ...
5 Translations of Catullus 85 by Matthew Nisinson
LAR Online, Translations
Bangladeshi American poet Shams A. Momin is the author of seven full-length books of poetry in Bengali. His selected poems were published at the Kolkata Book Fair 2022, India, and an upcoming ...
2 poems written and translated by Shams Momin
LAR Online, Translations
Meanwhile, what had been green went gray
and became a concept from a manual on keeping orchards.
Outside the window, the civilization of reason is in uneventful bloom. The experts
in weather are ...
Poems from “Kameraden” by Krzysztof Jaworski translated from the Polish by Benjamin Paloff
LAR Online, Translations
Edward Gunawan's Introductory Translator Notes
These poems are by Hendri Yulius Wijaya, written in Bahasa Indonesia mixed with a spattering of English words and expressions. They are published as a full-length ...
Poems by Hendri Yulius Wijaya Translated by Edward Gunawan
LAR Online, Translations
The Pharaoh Arrives to Lisbon
Monday, perhaps he won’t live to be a hundred,
Tuesday, he surely won’t,
Wednesday, laughing, a fit of anger, dread,
Thursday, I let him go,
Friday, he ...