When in major chronic illness flare-ups or activated trauma states or brain fog arising for any number of reasons, I sometimes gain a stutter. Because of childhood trauma, I also have historically not been fantastic at ...
Stutter, Stammer, Stumble: On (Not) “Speaking Well” by heidi andrea restrepo rhodes
Nonfiction, Uncategorized

Henri Meschonnic (1932-2009) is best known worldwide for his translations of the Old Testament and the 710-page Critique du rythme: Anthropologie historique du langage. He ...
Three Poems by Henri Meschonnic translated by Gabriella Bedetti and Don Boes
Translations, Uncategorized

Not so long ago, when I used to play the piano, a well-respected Record Producer approached me at the Music Festival in New England to say that they had heard of my name, and some good things about my piano playing, and ...
The Masterclass by William Pei Shih
Fiction, LAR Online, Uncategorized

3/12/2012 6:30 a.m.
Black sky. One streetlamp, bright as the moon. It might as well be midnight. Fauns could frolic among the graves.
6:37 a.m.
Dawn (weakly). Who the hell gets up this early? What are ...
Smile by Cathleen Calbert
LAR Online, Nonfiction, Uncategorized

State tests found more than 65,000 children in the city
with dangerously high blood-lead levels from 1993 to 2013.
Even Ovid knew it was love’s antidote—
the arrow meant for ...
Half-Lives by Carol Quinn
LAR Online, Poetry, Uncategorized

Some wise creature
once said that a child doubles her father’s vision,
so the snakeskin will be accounted for, filmy and useless,
and the sky will glow “like a sea built of fire,”
and the birds will never ...
Call It a Day by David Roderick
LAR Online, Poetry, Uncategorized

Reviewed by Sarah Appleton
Good Bones
Poems by Maggie Smith
Tupelo Press, October 1, 2017
$16.95; 112 pp.
ISBN: 978-1946482082
“Let me love the world the way I love,” Maggie Smith says in “Rain, ...
Review: Good Bones by Maggie Smith
Book Reviews, LAR Online, Uncategorized

Love Letter to a Stranger, with Rain
Years ago, I read of an accident
in a country far from our own. The medics
arrived late, and as the ambulance
pulled from the curb, the crowd sang,
together, strangers making ...
Three Poems by Helena Mesa
LAR Online, Poetry, Uncategorized

There is a publishing company in France deepening readers’ connections to their favorite authors with what they’ve deemed an impossible project: breathing life back into the dying art of the handwritten.
Inspired ...