Of God, we only understood His wrath, and still, we spoke about Him
as if He were an older brother. Another one of us: brown and buzzed cut,
running into the ditch, learning about the ...
2 poems by Eduardo Martínez-Leyva
LAR Online, Poetry

Under the Florida sun’s stern gaze,
parents too busy
fighting to watch us in the yard,
my brother and I hunt
for lizards in the loquat trees
brimming with mini-suns,
chase them skittering ...
Young Lizard Kings by Ariel Francisco
LAR Online, Poetry

The coroner is a crooner
who sings the lyrics of the dead written on the flesh of instruments now broken.
Laid out in a row along a raucous river:
the books and pencils that the four-eyed scholars left ...
The Coroner Is a Crooner: A Queer Exquisite Corpse by Steven Cordova
LAR Online, Poetry

My whole life I’ve had a gay aunt
& never knew it.
So obvious—went to Smith, no kids,
joked to us: “I forgot to get married!”
There was the lore of boyfriend ...
2 Poems by Grant Chemidlin
LAR Online, Poetry

Sunday afternoon blizzard on the easternmost pointof North America—early mountain standardmeans my Momma’s at church. I can’t sleep late anymore.Instead I mope, cast hard shadows on blue & purple walls,walls ...
Poisoned by S.A. Leger
LAR Online, Poetry

Arnisha Royston is a Pushcart Nominated poet from Los Angeles. Having started in Spoken Word and moved closer toward the written page, Arnisha is drawn to poetry that is intimate and urgent, with ...
3 poems by Arnisha Royston
LAR Online, Poetry

after K. Iver
Start when my grandparents were fifteen.
The first time. They stood at an altar.
Hand-in-. Hand. They lied. Said they were.
Of age. This time. Their parents don’t ...
Family History Rewrite by Jaz Sufi
LAR Online, Poetry

The morning of my birth, the mill beside the hospital burned.
My father was standing at home
by a window, watching the horizon, his daughter
dying. So many small deaths have happened ...
Cosmology with Self-Ascending by Mary Helen Callier
LAR Online, Poetry

When I told my father, on the back porch in the last days of summer, that he would die in a matter of weeks or months, then invited my sisters at the screen door to join us on the patio to share the moment, Susan cried ...