4 Poems Translated by Wioletta Polanski
to agnieszka osiecka
why write them
shed tears forcefully
she is gone
she lived
and departed
it’s clear
she won’t run after maggie
the fool –
she’s gone
and maggie
must wise up
Legnica, 7.03.97
to anna jantar
life itself writes scripts
sometimes longer
sometimes shorter …
Warsaw, 14.03.05
to halina poświatowska
awakened by an early breeze
throbbing yearn –
you seek to relish the day
you admire familiar landscapes
recognizing the role of a flawless
the heart’s utopia
carries on
playing –
with an erratic rhythm
the end
it stopped
to lilka pawlikowska
oh, woman in tulle de Paris
“nubian lady from the beyond”
bathed in droplets of blooming cornflowers
say hello to god
Original Poems by Rafał Podraza
agnieszce osieckiej
po co układać
na siłę łzy wyciskać
nie pogoni małgośki
co taka głupia –
a małgośka
no cóż
musi sama zmądrzeć
Legnica, 7.03.97
annie jantar
samo życie pisze scenariusze
czasem dłuższe
czasem krótsze …
Warszawa, 14.03.05
halinie poświatowskiej
obudzona wczesnym powiewem
bolącym westchnieniem –
próbujesz cieszyć się dniem
podziwiasz znajome pejzaże
wczuwasz się w rolę kobiety
bez wad
serca trwa
jeszcze gra –
rytmem niestałym
lilce pawlikowskiej
kobieto w tiulach prosto z paryża
“nubijko zaświatowa”
skąpana w rosie kwitnących bławatków
pozdrów boga
Wioletta Polanski is a higher education professional and a translator of Polish and English (ATIA). Born and raised in Poland, she holds two MA degrees, in Translation Studies, and in Art & Design/Humanities Computing, both from the University of Alberta. Wioletta’s research interest encompasses the life and work of Magdalena Samozwaniec, the Kossak Family phenomenon, translation history, Holocaust memory, and popular women’s literature. Her work was published in TranscUlturAl: A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies, Studies in Translation – History and Theory, Studies in Translation – Cultural and Linguistic Issues in Translation, and TransLit: An Anthology of Literary Translation.
Rafał Podraza is a journalist, poet, and songwriter. He made his literary debut in a local Polish newspaper “Polska Miedź” in 1986. Since then, he has published five volumes of poetry and several books. Two of his books, “Magdalena, Córka Kossaka (“Magdalena, the Daughter of Kossak”) (2007) and “Wojciech Kossak” (2012) influenced the renaissance of Magdalena Samozwaniec’s work. He has also written texts about the icons of Polish popular music and about forgotten Polish female athletes. He is the founder and publishing director of Oficyna R. He also writes a column in the “Prestiż” and “Na Żywo” magazines.
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