There is a place in Ellen’s right big toe where she keeps her opinions on her mother. Sealed shut. Nail-chipped, ball-stubbed, doubly calloused, she wears socks most of the time.
In her ...
Ellen by Rya Vallabhaneni
Flash Fiction

Henri Meschonnic (1932-2009) is best known worldwide for his translations of the Old Testament and the 710-page Critique du rythme: Anthropologie historique du langage. He ...
Three Poems by Henri Meschonnic translated by Gabriella Bedetti and Don Boes
Translations, Uncategorized

Long before he travels through the black hole, ripping the fabric of his life, they are looking for the perfect house, the sort of place you could raise a family on modest salaries. First, they have to say goodbye to ...
Inside a Black Hole by Andrew Bertainia

A narrow winding creek cuts through flat plains of sagebrush. Slender elms line the banks beneath granite cliffs still topped with snow in summer. The term “American Alps” gets thrown around about this place but ...
Heber by Kent Quaney

The Last Song of the World by Joseph Fasano
Review by Nicole Yurcaba
Interview by Tiffany Troy
Publisher: BOA Editions
Publication Date: October 4 , 2022
ISBN: 9781960145352
Pages: 178
Over the Myths and Through ...
THE LAST SONG OF THE WORLD BY JOSEPH FASANO Review by Nicole Yurcaba, Interview by Tiffany Troy
Book Reviews

It’s a sin to call the horses beautifulbut they were, their hooves a miracleflaring fire with each beat—I shouldn’t remember it this way,but it was August. Or December.Creepers choked trashcans & stucco,the ...
Only Once Driving to Cincinnati by Kirk Schlueter

I got a new smell. It’s oily, leathered, minklike. It turns heads on the bus, clears whole cars on the train. Most times it walks five paces ahead. I follow it into any number of restaurants or bars, sliding past ...
New Smell by Eric Cecil
Flash Fiction

To Die, to LiveI pushed his wheelchair down the ramp. Away from white walls, from disinfected roomsand the grey of the dying. Away from the stench of iodine,from blinking monitors and white ghosts with stethoscopes. But ...
Three Poems by Angelika Quirk Translated by Angelika Quirk

Rothko wanted to paint basic human emotion. So he painted red over red over red. Behind the colour he was looking for light. In 1942 he painted The Sacrifice of Iphigenia, where Iphigenia is not a girl, but a black ...