for my brother by Ana Pugatch
before you i lived in a world of birds.
i cannot say that i was lonely, but i was
alone, bearing witness to their color
and sound. i drew their shapes, listened in,
couldn’t care about faces or words.
before your birth i saw a white peacock
with its spontaneous arc of plumage. i knew
what that rattling meant—recognized
his halo-crown, what the future would give
to me. out of the feathers grew the familiar
warmth of spring, the petals of a magnolia
tree—its many limbs unfurling into lightness.
Ana Pugatch is currently the Poetry Heritage Fellow at George Mason University in Virginia. She is a Harvard graduate who taught in China and Thailand for several years. Her recent work can be found in The Bangalore Review, PØST-, and The Esthetic Apostle.
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