2 Poems by Li Qingzhao Translated by Brandon Toh

Li Qingzhao (1084 – ca. 1155) was a Song dynasty poet and essayist. She is one of the greatest female poets in Chinese history, owing to her home education as well as exposure to the literati of her time. Writing in a literary landscape overwhelmingly dominated by men, the piercing quality of Li’s poetry set her apart from her contemporaries. Beyond providing a lens through which we can understand the lives of women during the Song dynasty, her poetry is representative of the 婉约派, defined by the concision and subtlety of expression. Also, as a testament to the complexities of human nature, the sensuousness of Li’s poems contrasts with her reputation as an avid gambler and voracious drinker.
Brandon Toh is a professional writer, Chinese-English translator, English tutor, and Chinese teacher from Singapore.
12 January 2024
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