I Tried to Tell You by Angela Hui
I tried to tell you
outright, and you listened like a
therapist, like a
bitch, nodding all too wisely in your
foolheadedness. I dissected an
animal, pointed at the ventricles and the
fibrous tissue, and you sniffed the
formaldehyde and grimaced: “Not the
freshest cut,” you said. So I wrote you a
story, which you read dutifully and compared to a
song I hated. O, you dumb boy, lost in my
tangle of too-many wasted words, find me a
path to your little brain! Or should I puzzle you with a
poem? And in the penultimate stanza announce, this is a
poem about you, this is a
scream named after you, and a
smarter boy would understand it, but a
smarter boy wouldn’t make me write it.
Angela Hui is a junior at Harvard College pursuing an A.B. in English. Her favorite cities are San Francisco and Houston. She enjoys calling her representatives in Congress and spending time with her dog-in-law, Tex Willy Leebron. Find her on Twitter @angelafhui.
wow. this really resonated with me