Glimpses of Poe by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa Translated from the Japanese by Ryan Choi
Glimpses of Poe
by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa (1892-1927)
Translated from the Japanese by Ryan Choi
“Poe” refers to “Edgar Allan Poe.” When Poe was first introduced to France by the poet Charles Baudelaire, it was as “E. Poe.” The British too used this shorthand briefly. In light of Poe’s own preferences, “Poe” and “Edgar” are certainly acceptable, but “Allan,” on the other hand, is a name he never signed on his works in full. In short, “Allan” is superfluous.
Poe’s father’s name was David Poe. Poe was his father’s second son. The elder Poe fathered three children before abandoning the family. After Poe’s mother’s death, in the wake of his father’s departure, Poe was informally adopted by the wealthy Allan family, headed by the successful tobacco merchant John Allan. Following a series of disagreements with his foster family over the years, Poe split from the Allans. Perhaps this is why he refused to acknowledge their name in his signature beyond the letter “A,” as in “Edgar A. Poe.”
The pen name “Edgar Allan Poe” originated with the editor and critic Rufus Wilmot Griswold, who spearheaded the first collected edition of Poe’s work after Poe’s untimely demise. Griswold, it should be noted, was a longtime foe of Poe’s, and is now remembered primarily as a devious villain in literary history.
(Indeed, to live on in posterity, one only needs to be wicked to an artist destined for immortality.)
Poe was born in 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts. He was recognized first and foremost as a literary critic. By the age of twenty-six, he was one of the most influential critics in the country, with his strident style of criticism that tended toward the vituperative and scathing. In his short life, in addition to his other writings, Poe produced over eight hundred essays in more than forty publications. If these numbers lead one to the conclusion that Poe was a heedless craftsman, this would not, in fact, be incorrect at all.
In his writing, brutally from the first phrase to the last, Poe had the habit of employing abstruse and lofty language. In praise, he elevated a work to the heavens, and in criticism, he condemned a work to hell. In one notorious excoriation of a certain famous poet, the writing is so littered with factual errors as to be an embarrassment, but the biggest error of all was that he even published the piece to begin with. For all his vitriol, Poe ultimately saw no innate difference in worth between the people he scorned and the people he acclaimed.
It was near impossible for Poe to engage in measured critique. His critical articles bordered on the abusive and habitually devolved into personal attacks, such that he was reviled and feared by almost everyone he knew. His one-time friend James Russell Lowell claimed that Poe, more than treating ink as poison, blasted bitter fire from the tip of his pen at friend and foe
alike, isolating everyone in his orbit. To all he had scathed, it was utterly fitting for his life to end as it did, in cryptic tragedy.
Poe’s penchant for insults and negativity, far from being baseless, had stemmed rather from his personal philosophy. In this sense, he was simply acting objectively in accordance with his system of logic that said that the chief role of the critic was to highlight the faults of a work. He stated this on many occasions unequivocally, that it is not the job of the critic to address beauty directly, for beauty that requires explaining—Poe would agree—does not count as beauty.
Therefore, beauty—to Poe—was transcendent: apparent and accessible to anyone of any race. The obligation of the critic is not to mediate the aesthetic experience but to identify the defects that detract from it. Poe’s conviction about beauty’s unteachability sits at the center of his critical philosophy.
For Poe, the composition of a poem was a self-contained act of pleasure, done strictly for its own sake, and the pleasure in artistic creation was rooted in the transcendental aesthetic sense.
And, as it was for poetry, so it was for all forms of art. Poe’s emphasis on this approach was one of the earliest expressions of the idea of “Art for art’s sake.”
Poe was absolutely opposed to all forms of didactic writing; in his aesthetic view, such piousness was a dreary exercise in melancholy. When he had espoused his version of “Art for art’s sake,” it was roundly neglected, if not mocked, by his peers. Before long, however, its influence had spread internationally, particularly to France, but also significantly to Russia and England.
Poe coined the term “Totality of Effect” to encapsulate his view on the subject of beauty and form. He insisted on the superiority of poems that could be read in one sitting, during a time when the British preference for the long poem had a lingering hold on the American poetic mind. For him to have pushed this contrarian idea so boldly was a mark of his singularity.
For Poe, Milton’s masterwork, Paradise Lost, was the antithesis of effective poetry, a prolonged work of poeticized prose, peppered only here and there with actual poems.
He declared that the optimal length of a poem was about one hundred lines, and his opinion about stories and novels complied with this logic—that the best can be read in one sitting.
Shorter poems and stories as a whole, Poe believed, had a better chance of surviving history, and whether he was correct or not, poetry after his death trended toward the length he shrewdly defended.
Poe died destitute in 1841, leaving not a penny for his headstone, and not only did he die a wretch, but even in death he was not granted rest.
Poe’s cousin the judge Neilson Poe eventually had a headstone cut and engraved for him. After its completion, however, before it was installed, a train derailed and obliterated the headstone and the monument yard where it was being kept.
Decades later, Sara Sigourney Rice, a local Baltimore schoolteacher, began campaigning for Poe (whose reputation, by then, was on the mend) and soliciting donations for a stone monument to him. At the unveiling ceremony, not one American writer of note was in attendance, except for one, a gloomy old man standing in silence at the foot of the monument, who was none other than the poet Walt Whitman.
Even in death, Poe was subjected to trials of derision and tragedy, including the aforesaid fate of the first edition of his collected writings, the editorship of which had been usurped by
Rufus Wilmot Griswold, his arch nemesis and the originator of the “Allan” in “Edgar Allan Poe,” the name by which he is now known.
In spite of all this, today there is little doubt about the greatness of Poe, for all greatness—so it seems—must wait for posterity.
また彼は Totality of effect といふ言葉を使ひました。彼はこの見地から、詩は一気に読み得るものでなければならないと主張しました。当時対岸の英国には長詩が非常な勢ひを持つてゐたのですから、その時、敢然としてう云ひ得た彼の卓見と自信とは偉とすべきです。
Ryan Choi is the author of the forthcoming book In Dreams: The Very Short Works of Ryūnosuke Akutagawa (London: Paper + Ink, 2021). His work has appeared in Harper’s Magazine, The Nation, The New Republic, and elsewhere. He lives in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, where he was born and raised.
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa (1892-1927), born in Tokyo, Japan, was the author of more than 350 works of fiction and non-fiction, including Rashōmon, The Spider’s Thread, Kappa, and In a Grove. Japan’s premier literary award for emerging writers, the Akutagawa Prize, is named after him.
22 September 2021
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