Poem Mouthed to My TV, Election Week by Emma DePanise
Too close…………………. to call you but I’ll still
call you, sister, different …………………. rooms of the same
house ringing, and I’ll ramble …………………. down the stairs
until we can’t stand …………………. our phones’ interference.
I want to do this in a couple…………………. weeks, post-drive
from a red state …………………. to a blue. Family, I won’t
get too close. To call …………………. your names from the other
side of the driveway …………………. is enough. America, I know
you’ve had a long …………………. week (year) too. Close
to calling you a crunched …………………. cicada shell
stoop-spilt. Calling your droopy …………………. leaves, calling
you back, calling you gone. Night …………………. four. Too close
to call …………………. Pennsylvania and the lady bugs
in my apartment …………………. that I paper-towel-snatched, tossed
in the trash, I see them …………………. emerging now, all dots
on the can’s speckled…………………. lid. America, you are a spot
in the sky still I feel close to. Call …………………. me hopeful. Call me
never. Lover, I want …………………. to be too close to call you
you and me me, hardly…………………. a margin of us.
Emma DePanise’s poems are forthcoming or have appeared recently in journals such as River Styx, The Minnesota Review, Reed Magazine, Passages North, The National Poetry Review and elsewhere. Currently an MFA candidate in poetry at Purdue University, she is a poetry editor for Sycamore Review and a co-editor of The Shore.
16 August 2021
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