Four Poems by Khal Torabully
[I will load the conchs]
I will load the conchs
onto the backs of swans.
And almighty light
I will sort your signs
as if black lentils, without
defacing the manuscript signed
by the waves.
[Je chargerai les conques]
Je chargerai les conques
sur le dos des cygnes
Et dominante lumière
je trierai tes signes
comme des lentilles noires
sans violer le manuscrit des vagues.
a coolie
splashed an array
of color on hatchways.
With a dab of his blood
without a bruise
the silent Scribe
plumbed his head into the azure.
un coolie
les écoutilles
Par sa noix de sang
sans blessure
le Scribe silencieux
plomba sa tête dans l’azur.
[My muddy future]
My muddy future is fully abulic:
soursop sops my flat-ribbed coast.
You are wrong, abolished by flesh,
your creeks crack when cutters approach:
tour abolie, tour à Bali
my backbone of kelp is the checkmate of masts.
Soursop sops my flat-ribbed coast.
Translator’s note: The pronunciation of “tour abolie” (abolished tower) is a near homophony for “Torabully,” as is “tour à Bali” (Bali tower).
[Mon sort boueux]
Mon sort boueux est tout aboulique
clapote sapote ma côte plate.
Tu as tort, aboli par chair,
tes criques craquent à l’approche des cotres:
tour abolie tour à Bali
ma colonne varech est l’échec des mâts.
Clapote sapote ma côte plate.
[Masters’ mighty prod]
for J. G. Prosper
Masters’ mighty prod
look away toward the window.
Womb missing from manifest.
the woman is a virgin.
my wife is a valve
my wife is a vulva,
my wife is invulnerable.
To free my hands
to handle the sugars,
my tracks strike back
my registered
My wife is a valve
my wife is a vulva
my wife is valid.
My daughter is vague
my daughter is vulnerary
my daughter is like a womb,
to free my hands
to handle the sugars
to suck on my hands.
[Matraque des maîtres]
à J. G. Prosper
Matraque des maîtres
détourne les yeux vers la fenêtre.
Matrice sans matricule
la femme est vierge.
Ma femme est valve
ma femme est vulve,
ma femme est invulnérable.
Pour libérer les bras
pour brasser les sucres,
Ho hisse
ma trace matraque
ho hisse
ma trique
Ma femme est valve
ma femme est vulve
ma femme est valide.
Ma fille est vague,
ma fille est vulnéraire
ma fille est matricielle,
ho hisse
pour libérer les bras
ho hisse
pour brasser les sucres
pour sucer mes bras.
A recipient of grants from the NEA and Maryland Council for the Arts, she was a finalist
for the BTBA and CLMP Firecracker Awards. Her work has appeared in the
American Poetry Review, The Georgia Review, The Paris Review, and Poetry, and she
was decorated by the French government with the French Academic Palms. An Infusion of Violets (Seagull, 2019), her latest collection of poetry, was named a “New & Noteworthy” in the
New York Times Book Review, and was reviewed in the Washington Post. www.nancynaomicarlson.com
Mauritius who has authored some 25 books. Torabully has given voice to history’s
millions of indentured laborers (mostly from China and India) who were shipped to
Mauritius, and then often to colonies overseas. He has transformed their unimaginable
suffering into a strong and resilient cultural identity and language. He coined the term
“coolitude,” imbuing it with a sense of dignity and pride. His linguistic acrobatics highlight
the seriousness of his themes.
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