Dover Beach by Michael Grinthal
Let’s learn the physics
Of ducklings
Their desperate love
The missing data
Only deepens it
This dandelion feeling
Of the eyes
Tears like
Little feet kick
Is the truck
On its side
In the grass on the
Of the expensively
Torn sea
At night
The traffic lights
Think like ants
Inside the earth
Ah love
But you
And I are locked
Outside the ground
And the sky
Is trapped in here too
No no!
The waves cry
Many more times
See they toss
Up their dunce caps, come
To the window love
Listen! The ocean
Is ghosting us
I want to be
Naked and humanless
Ah love
Be ignorant of me
Be alien, begin
And cease and then
Again begin, the thin
Warm Christmas rain
Michael Grinthal’s poems have appeared in Jubilat, Swifts & Slows, Yes Poetry, Queen Mob’s Tea House, Mary, and other publications. He lives in Brooklyn, NY and has worked for 23 years as a community organizer and lawyer in the racial justice and tenants’ rights movements. He has worked for 10 years as a parent and 48 years as a child.
7 August 2023
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