case study while running – by Hailey Gross
a hawk circles the air above me—defying
everything i know of motion—this body
cracks now each morning, night
has its own aches—you’re too
young to feel this way
they say i carry
the weight of everything
on my shoulders—i have friends
that can’t wait to be pregnant
and ask if i’m next—
think about carrying it—letting it walk
away—think about my mother, her mother
about the body and where bones
come from—think about healing
things about legs that tear—
spread like clouds through
the night sky—wounds
that open again in the morning—
think about running from it
running out of breath, trying
to find it in the wind.
a man grips his binoculars
to see the hawk better, moves
closer to study her
movements. i watch—wonder
what else he needs to know
but this.
she opens her wings—
……………….the world around her moves.
Hailey Gross is a poet, editor, and first-generation college student from Los Angeles. She earned her B.A. in English Literature from the University of California, Santa Barbara. A recipient of the Sarah B. Marsh-Rebelo Scholarship for Poetry and the Prebys Poetry and Creative Writing Endowed Scholarship, she is currently an MFA in Creative Writing: Poetry student at San Diego State University. Her work can be found or is forthcoming in the Laurel Review, Harpur Palate, and the Los Angeles Review.
31 July 2023
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