Blooming Moons: a Poem by Mira Hammoud
Down the middle
On the one end
I have Her
The American dream
Her faith on the back burner
On the other end
We have Her
The one who beams
At the thought of god
Who thinks of nothing but Him
The holy one
She is split, because the two worlds cannot be one
For them to join
Would be against the principal set
By the Old Ones
The ones who don’t understand
What it’s like to be her
The split
She hopes to redeem herself
Put together the worlds
Never ever could they be together
She cries at night for she doesn’t understand why
Why must they be split
Why must she be one way, and not the other
Too muslim
Too American
Never enough
She wants to be Her
Both at the same time
But she can’t
I am Mira Hammoud. I’m a 14-year-old Muslim girl in Michigan. I live with my younger brother and my parents. I have lived all over the country, and even across the world. My passion for English and writing has been evident since I was young. I started writing as a way to express myself and my feelings. However, as my writing began to improve, I started to see that it could also affect other people. Now, I write to make people feel something. Whether it be sadness, happiness, or anything in between.
29 November 2022
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