Announcing LAR’s Fall Workshops
We at The Los Angeles Review are pleased to announce that, because our summer online workshop was such a success, we’ll be offering two brand-new online workshops for the fall! Whether you choose to write fiction with editor Stefanie Freele or poetry with editor Tanya Chernov, you’ll find inspiration, generate new work, get professional feedback, and enjoy a community of likeminded writers.
LAR Fall Poetry Workshop with Poetry Editor Tanya Chernov
This workshop is intended for people who want to jump-start their poetry practice and to keep the engine oiled. You’ll do plenty of writing and reading, and have lively discussions about both the craft and the process of poetry. The weekly homework assignments (workshopped the following week) are designed to provide fresh angles of approach that can surprise–even startle–both the writer and his/her readers. As writers, we all get stuck in ruts, and this workshop will offer ways of digging ourselves out, whether we use these strategies to simply get started at writing or to revise a particularly challenging poem.
The class is suitable for a wide spectrum of poets. The focus of the class is generative: to get everybody going and excited about doing new work, to take away strategies that can help with their current and future writing–and to have a great time while we’re at it.
About the workshop leader: Tanya’s poetry has been published all over the literary map, ranging from experimental forms to traditional, from literary narratives to imaginative farces. Tanya holds an MFA in poetry from Northwest Institute of Literary Arts, and serves as both the Poetry Editor and Translation Editor for The Los Angeles Review.
Dates: November 1 to November 30
Cost: $150, includes our texts for the class, The Los Angeles Review issues 6 and 7.
How to apply for this workshop: Email lareview.poetry@gmail.com with a brief writing sample. Please include “Fall Workshop” in the subject line of your email.
Application Deadline: October 26, 2010.
LAR Fall Fiction Workshop with Fiction Editor Stefanie Freele
This introduction to short fiction workshop is open to the new and curious short story writer. Our goal is to encourage turning ideas into stories. Prompts and exercises will generate fresh and unexpected writing, and students will read and discuss examples of stellar short fiction, fine-tune workshop pieces, and explore what it means to be a writer.
About the workshop leader: Stefanie’s short story collection, Feeding Strays (Lost Horse Press) was a finalist for both the Book of the Year Award and the 2010 Binghamton University John Gardner Fiction Book Award. Stefanie is the fiction editor of The Los Angeles Review and the 2010/2011 Healdsburg Literary Laureate. She holds an MFA in Fiction from Northwest Institute of Literary Arts.
Dates: November 1 to November 30
Cost: $150, includes our texts for the class, The Los Angeles Review issues 6 and 7.
How to apply for this workshop: Email lareview.fictioneditor@gmail.com with a brief writing sample. Please include “Fall Workshop” in the subject line of your email.
Application Deadline: October 26, 2010.